Having problems emailing us?

You've probably landed on this page because you received an error message when trying to email us (or one of the handful of domains we also host email for), saying that your email was not authorised. This page explains why that is the case and what you can do about it.


Email is broken.

In the UK, email spam remains a significant issue, reflecting global trends in spam and phishing activities. Recent statistics report that almost 50% of emails sent are spam and the UK makes it into the top 10 list of worst offenders.

GMail reportedly filters 100 million spam messages every day. However, even with all the resources at Google's disposal, the filtering is not perfect. Some spam gets through into our inboxes and occasionally genuine email ends up in the spam folder. So from time to time you still have to go trawling through all the junk.

It's a battle that can never be won. As fast as the filters are improved to catch more spam, the spammers adjust their messages to get past the filters.

Then there's phishing.

Although the volume of phishing is significantly lower than spam, often phishing scams are highly targeted - sometimes called "spear phishing" - with carefully crafted emails targeting specific people within organisations making the messages look much more genuine than the average glut of spam.

Globally in 2021, 85% of organizations reported being targeted by phishing scams. With the successful ones costing businesses and individuals $44 million.

SPAM infographic - A central email envelope icon with the words SPAM undernieth surrounded by smaller envelopes and warning symbols.

Our approach

Instead of trying to win the battle, we've decided to just not play the game. Our mail servers will reject all messages unless the sender is on our allow list. We have also disabled all legacy encryption protocols and only accept connections from servers that are using up-to-date security settings.

It's brutal, but effective.

Use our contact page to get in touch with us in the first instance.

Access Denied infographic style image.